Ever been stung by a hornet? We have. It hurts like hell! Hornets aggressively guard their nests when threatened and their stings are the most venomous among all insects. Because of its sleek and almost barb free stinger, hornets do not die after they attack.
Our STINGER pocket knife, just like the hornet, has a distinctive look with a fierce profile and can repeatedly “sting” under pressure.
Yellow Jacket
The Stinger "Yellow Jacket" is a 7in knife with a 3in blade made from 154CM. The scales are made from ox bone, saw cut texture, and dyed yellow. The narrow drop point blade and colors represtent the dangerous insect that it represents.

Ebony Wood
Ebony Wood scales vary from dark brown to near black with subtle differences with each knife. The Stinger opens easily with a flip of the tab, the blade flies open on ball bearings and locks up with our integrated bolster lock design.
Limited Editions
In 2024 we introduced two Limited Editions of the Stinger. The "Scorpion" and the "Hive". These knives feature laser art work on the blade and are numbered to 20 pieces with each version.

Overall Length - 7.0"
Blade Length - 3"
Handle Length - 4"
Blade Height - .75"
Handle Height - .8"
Handle Thickness - .5"
Knife Weight - 3.1 oz
Blade Steel - 154CM
Blade Finish - Satin
Pocket Clip -Titanium/Tip Up
Lock Type - Integrated Liner Bolster
Designed In - Stilwell, KS