The flintlock refers to a single-shot muzzle loading firearm that used flint to create a spark that ignited gunpowder to propel a lead ball. The flintlock played a significant role during the 17th and 18th centuries, the Golden Age of Piracy. It became a symbol of danger and adventure associated with pirates like Blackbeard and Calico Jack.
The Flint features a 3 inch blade made from 154CM and has an overall length of 7.2 inches. The Coppertone scales are made from a blend of shredded carbon fiber and copper, making each knife different with a unique pattern.

Ghost Green
What we call "Ghost Green" is translucent G10, or the natural color of G10 if no dye is added during the manufacturing process. Natural G10 is a pleasing jade color that looks and works great for knife scales.

Overall Length - 7.2"
Blade Length - 3"
Handle Length - 4"
Blade Height - 1.00"
Handle Height - 1.00"
Handle Thickness - .5"
Knife Weight - 4 oz
Blade Steel - 154CM
Blade Finish - Satin
Pocket Clip -Titanium/Tip Up
Lock Type - Integrated Liner Bolster
Designed In - Stilwell, KS